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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Martin Davis

Thank you for the summary of a few of Mark Taylor’s, umm, weaknesses, shall we say. I would add that he responds to emails with an automatic reply saying that he has so much to do that he can’t possibly read them all so they are all farmed out to the appropriate people. Having never received a response from an “appropriate” person or indeed any person, I am beginning to wonder if residents’ emails are relegated to file 13.

On a different note, I believe that Adele Uphaus deserves a very long and loud round of applause for her reporting on the disaster parading as the Spotsy School Board’s majority. Even when I attend board meetings from the comfort of my home, I rely on Adele to explain to me exactly what decisions were made – or even if any decisions were made. She is a dedicated journalist of the highest caliber. I hope the Free Lance-Star appreciates her and recognizes the important contribution she makes to our community.

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