1 Comment
Apr 20·edited Apr 20

As happens so often, in your pursuit of comity, you ignore the sand upon which you build your castle.

Is the weakness of liberals " calcification" of ideals really the problem?

Well if it is ideals such as that truth matters, violence is abhorred, and the basic tenets of our society are just that, basic then I'm not sure that is the problem.

So many that paint themselves as "conservative" are mindlessly obeying and supporting a cult god who's only hope of avoiding jail time and financial ruin from his actions is to escape accountability through a second reign of terror, when the last one almost destroyed our democracy.

And the folks who won't accept that are the problem?

I get you're selling it. But I ain't buying it.

Conservatives have always sought to keep control by minimizing accountability through government. Yet it's only been in the last two generations that we've seen that disdain weaponized to the point chest-thumping "patriots" think nothing of overturning an election if it doesn't go their way. That somehow, a murderous Russian ex-KGB dictator is their friend, and the guy who mows their lawn is their enemy - who's kids are put in cages to coerce him into compliance.

Was it the fact of America daring to elect a black man President that brought this virulent cyst of anger to a head? Or really, is it merely the natural outcome of having your media manipulated by foreign billionaires making their billions from the panic they can create?

And over and over, as it worsens, you have some chucklehead insisting that the problem is that those who do believe in principles, truth, civil liberties, and rule of law don't accommodate those who don't enough.

I could mention something about that sounds like the product of male-bovine bodily functions, but I think I'll just say that I disagree.

I was always told that little is gained by encouraging the delusional in their delusions. If someone else wants to believe that a fraudulent, lying, cheating, draft-dodging, venal grifter with almost a hundred outstanding felonies is the second coming of Christ, I can't stop them. But pretending they're right or that it doesn't matter if they are wrong just to avoid hurting their feelings cannot be the solution.

As if the last 40 years of accommodation hasn't already proven that, even without Trump.

Enough already.

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