It's shameful and not unexpected. I've been attending or watching BOS meetings from home for years. Some of those same people who begged the supervisors not to raise taxes at the recent budget hearing speak at budget hearings yearly. They make their yearly pilgrimage to budget hearings to beg the supervisors not to raise taxes. Chris Yakabouski had it exactly right.

Again, the school division is left to rob Peter to pay Paul while some of the same people who don't want our schools properly funded manufacture chaos like book banning that serves to distract and take time and resources away from a public school division's real purpose, educating students.

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People truly need a refresher on how government funding works. Thank you for trying in this article.

I spent most of last year pointing out to neighbors in Spotsy that to effect change for our schools, we couldn’t just vote for pro-public ed candidates for school board - we needed to vote them in for BoS and state senate. Why? They’re the key to funding, which will help fund what our teachers and kids need. To vote for a pro-PE candidate for school board and turn around to vote for an anti-PE candidates for BOS and state legislature

Cancel each other out.

When I explained this in FB groups I belong to, I was told once or twice the group was only for SB concerns. The admin for one of them clearly planned to vote for someone for state senate who has consistently voted to de/underfund public education based on photos they shared at one time.

If you’re going to preach to the public the importance of public schools, then you really should make sure you’re taking it all the way with your vote.

I think our current school board majority is trying to right the ship and I am grateful enough people around here had had enough of the extremist BS to keep the worst of them out of office.

I just hope that people realize the school board’s ability to properly renovate and outfit our ship depends on who they vote for as their reps for other offices. And right now, Spotsy doesn’t have enough representatives who care about the importance of funding our public schools.

We failed on that point back in November.

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Yes, shameful. Again, why is new growth not paying its fair share? Excellent points made by Becky and Emma.

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What's an FTE?

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Full-time equivalent. Basically a full-time employee

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Thank you. I wonder what percentage FTE's make up of the overall employment in the school system if they are almost 3 out of every 4 of those employed by the county as a whole?

The point does clearly show how little regard that county has to school employees compared to the rest of the county's work force if they are not likewise making up 74% of the overall county employees.

Pennywise and pound foolish. Today's "conservatisim".


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