
Oh, this is quite scary.

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It is! I mean…HAND WASHING! It’s the bare minimum a healthcare worker can and should do upon entering a room or doing a procedure. And they aren’t doing it.

And I believe it’s not happening at Mary Washington because Ive been seeing a drop in germ prevention like hand washing in the private practices I go to. My dentist wasn’t wearing a mask while looking in people’s mouths the last two visits I had with him 🤷🏻‍♀️🤢

SARS2 came along and suddenly public health doesn’t matter to the very people who we are supposed to trust to make us well/keep us healthy. The bare minimum is too much for everyone.

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Healthcare workers aren’t washing their hands or wear masks when caring for sick patients - but their latest purchase of a robot is the bees knees!

This rating is truly scary. I want to believe they understand that and will reverse course, but given what I’ve witnessed and experienced with HCWs over the last few years, I’m hesitant to.

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In Leapfrog's report "Problems with Surgery" "Death from treatable serious complications" Mary Washington has one of the worst grades in the entire country.

This Hospital's Score: 215.85

Best Hospital's Score: 86.68

Average Hospital's Score: 168.38

Worst Hospital's Score: 222.70

This is consistent with our own experiences. Our first child was born via cesarean at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston and our second was born at Mary Washington in Fredericksburg also by cesarean. Comparing those experiences I observed a huge difference in process and how each hospital dealt with complications that nursing staff identified or were self-reported by the patient.

We had post-surgery complications with the 2nd birth in FXBG and I couldn't believe the cavalier response when we reported something was wrong. I continued to advocate on my wife's behalf but got nowhere. From a patient-outcome perspective I expected a much different response, heck from a corporate risk perspective I'd expect something much different. I told my wife that from the sidelines it felt like "cowboy" medicine.

And Handwashing should be table-stakes. We figured that out 130 years ago thanks to Dr Joseph Lister.

This Hospital's Score: 40

Best Hospital's Score: 100

Average Hospital's Score: 78.65

Worst Hospital's Score: 15

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