I was in attendance at this meeting in person. These videos of her public behavior and ranting is exactly what I witnessed.

Based on her public behavior at this and at other board meetings, Spotsylvania residents, especially parents of students who attend our public schools, should have concerns about Phelps' desire to make decisions that best serve students and our public school division.

Pay close attention to her comments from the dais to staff members. She appears to be insinuating that the school board will target them. It is significant to note that at the time of this meeting there were very few people present. The audience consisted mainly of school division staff from the central office and a very small number of members of the public.

At this time in the meeting the livestreaming and microphones were not working. I witnessed the person who is generally at the meetings running the livestream. He appeared to be working diligently to get the streaming and microphones working. Phelps is insinuating that the "media" (livestream and microphones) not working was intentional. I saw no indication of that.

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This isn’t breaking news; it’s part of a pattern from Phelps. Maybe we should FOIA more of these. Then yall would get a better picture of Lisa Phelps’ behavior off camera.

People don’t get the full picture of these meetings unless they’re attending in person. Back at the meeting regarding the community input for the superintendent search, she whined about being bullied by the other board members to the two people from the firm not once (before the meeting began) but twice (again during one of the “breaks” she and Gillespie caused).

Please report on the pattern of behavior here. There is one and people need to understand that.

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Mrs. Phelps may require mental health services. She is delusional.

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She definitely could use some. As do some of her friends. From what I’ve seen off camera, this is a pattern of behavior and it needs to be reported as such.

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Excellent reporting. Such unprofessional and disrespectful behavior by Ms' Phelps to the citizens, students, teachers, and fellow board members of the Spotsylvania County Schools. Hats off to the board members who continue to give their time and talents to help our students and staff succeed among such outrageous outbursts.

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