Nicely written propaganda letter from the leftist, Denis Kaufman. Lots of disparagement and unsupported innuendo about Anderson; a load of garbage form Vindman's unsubstantiated claims about Trump and extortion of Zelensky. Curiously, the self-confessed extortion of Zelensky's predecessor, by Joe Biden, gets a quiet pass.

If you like 21% inflation and 50% increase in car insurance, 35% increase in food prices, 40% increase in electricity bills, 50% increase in gasoline prices, and MILLIONS of illegal aliens invading our country,... well thank the Democrats and vote for Vindman and Harris. You'll get lots more of the same!

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This is a ridiculously vacuous response. The extortion of Zelinsky during the last administration is literally caught on tape in the style of Chris Hansen's "To Catch A Predator." To hand waive it away is just nonsensical and to impugn either Vindman brother over their ethical decision making in the face of the American POTUS withholding aid is just ridiculous. The Senior Chief here is above reproach. As for car insurance, check out The Intelligence podcast by The Economist on Frebruary 2, 2024. They deep dive the economic reasons car insurance premiums have been artificially kept low for MANY Years. As for this prices, you forgot COVID wrecked global supply chains for all items, not JUST food. You forgot that MILLIONS of chickens (and this eggs) were wiped out last summer with a avian & swine flus in gutted those foodstuffs. Dairy cows are now being thrown in illness from illnesses and rampant disease. All those contribute to high food prices. That agricultural recovery is still underway in many parts of the globe. There is also the question of global war in multiple regions. 100k Sudanese were dead BEFORE Putin invaded a sovereign neighbor. WAR of course beings instability in global markets, energy perhaps most visibly. Now we have state-on-state war in the Middle East. Umm, anybody remember time when conflict DIDN'T raise energy prices- after all every human uses energy and thus that makes oil a GLOBAL commodity.

Your intellectual dishonesty here Dennis, is truly Legion.

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And your attempt at intellectual rebuttal is risible! Where did you learn to write and spell?

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Dennis, if you like, you can pen a letter to Samsung. They developed my mobile phone Swipe keyboard and spell check. But your attempt to check the Senior Chief still doesn't stand up to economic history, nor sound reason and judgement. All the grievances you offered earlier have lots to do with the circumstances of the day, the globe, and the nefarious actors in Russia, North Korea, Iran, and others.

I'm not sure where you get your geopolitical information, but it's not serving you well.

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