Joys, benefits and methods of local-growing peas, with touches of history and philosophy. Articles like this rival anything written anywhere. We're fortunate to have such journalistic excellence in the Burg.

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Greatly appreciated, sir!

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

Please, allow me to summarize:

Mr Kenney's party is going to bring forth a plague upon the democracy of this nation from which it likely will not recover. Again.

Gosh. Ain't that a shame. (He proclaims the morning BEFORE voting).

Oh well, they all do it. These things happen. And have absolutely NO relation to the fact that people like me support it happening.

So why don't we just spend the rest of the day talking about the obscure passive solar qualities found in the master's house of the slave labor camp operated by our 3rd President that we see on a nickel, eh?

Qualities as passive as the support Trump enjoys from Republicans like me who proclaim to God on high how much we despise him, and yet so willingly vote and contribute to those who create the conditions where such an abomination can exist.

For just as those peas cannot come early without the warmth created by that protective southeastern microclimate; we would not be suffering the abomination which will soon, once again, be the Republican nominee without the Rob Whitmans who look the other way at impeachable crimes, the McCarthys and McConnells putting party over country, the Durants riding on the coattails of the Youngkin riding on the coattails of the Trumps as they talk about anything other than the cancer that has taken over their party. And those such as myself, who should and does know better, studiously sticking my head in the sand as I talk about something else. Anything else.

200+ year old gardening tips? Yes, please.

As DeSantis bows on bended knee to the man who mocked him for wearing heels.

And the only faint hope Republican integrity has, as we watch while such hopes are methodically pulled out as weeds in a garden of horrors built by the blood and pain of innocent others, pulled out by those who do not mind their suffering, as long as they can enjoy its fruit; whether it be fresh garden peas, or a 15% corporate tax rate); is a woman who DOES wear heels.

We are indeed fortunate to be in the presence of such excellence. Such stoic moral fibre.

And if you are one of those fortunate to have enough land for a garden, by all means plant one. Though I might add the SeedSavers Exchange (seedsavers.org) as a potential source for heirlooms as well. I've had good success with them.

No longer having that option is truly one of the things I miss most since moving here. But even if I did, I wouldn't be counting on it to save the Republic. Anymore than Nero's music choices has any impact upon fire.

Sheesh. What passes for modern conservatism in the age of Trump..... the Republican Standard indeed.

Please.....sorry, PEAS.....

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