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Sounds good in principle.

Generally I like the idea of incremental change, particularly for something that is 1/6th of the US economy.

But for the life of me, beyond the political expediency of pandering to the age section of the bell curve that is most politically active and (not coincidentally) the most self serving - is why these sea changes in healthcare are focused on the elderly - where, as a society - we can expect the least return on investment - rather than focusing on the youngest.

If we must pander, can we not demand some of that investment be toward those with the most potential? Rather than to those with the most clout?

If we're playing King for a day, then my Mcare dream implementation would be the first year - Medicare for none - where we merely offer prenatal care.

The next year - Mcare for one - where we offer up to 1 y/o

Then 2, then 4....building up our program infrastructure. And some time around the time we hit 32, we should be able to just make it for everyone.

Ah..to dream on a Saturday in October - when the harvest is being gathered and winter dreams charm the air.....

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