What happened at Trump’s ego fest was in part to Republicans insisting we don’t talk about gun sense legislation. It’s in part to Republicans only offering up thoughts and prayers when children are gunned down in schools.

I don’t have much sympathy left for him because he had an opportunity to prevent his probable assassination attempt when he was president the first time. Instead, he rolled back legislation to make it easier.

I don’t think this will be a one-off event.

Yes, I think we all took a collective moment of silence and horror when that shooting happened.

But our reactions after that moment were not the same.

While a family grieved their dead husband and father, Republicans danced on the floor of the RNC.

While millions of Americans grieve those we lost to gun violence, Republicans sport guns on their lapels and tell us to get over it.

Republicans are making it clear that the unity they want is unity behind a convicted criminal and nothing else.

Empathy be damned.

Like Leo said above. I also hear what you say and read what you write.

But your actions tell a much different story.

Instead of reflecting on what that attempt means under the surface, you’re taping gauze to your ears and telling the rest of us to roll over and accept it.

The Republican party has fallen, and it’s as disturbing as it is embarrassing.

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Jul 20·edited Jul 20

I watch hands. Now, don't get me wrong, I'll listen to words - but the whole time I'm doing it, I'm watching hands.

Probably always have, based on the neighborhood I grew up in; but over 30 years in emergency services, dealing with the mentally ill, criminals, and the everyday good American when they were drunk or drugged certainly honed the practice.

I watch hands.

The point being, what you say means very little to me. What matters is what you're doing.

So, when you tell me how much you prioritize "life, liberty, pursuit of happiness...." yada, yada, yada - I'm a whole lot more interested in your actions.

Like imposing book bans. Taking away rights that you disagree with. Using the state to coerce behavior.

"Limited government interference" - lol?!?

You mean like Republican Scotus judges deciding to block government agencies under a Democratic President from doing anything they don't like, before it even happens?

Rather than doing what has worked for the past 200+ years, waiting until something happens, it works thru the court system (you know - like Trump's criminal and civil charges), lookng at the facts of the case, and then, if they feel that lower court judges made a mistake, stepping in - but rather - preempting the whole process when it suits them.

Yeah, you're right - I'm against it too. /s

Meanwhile, these same judges are coming up with new and novel ways to protect their own.

Turns out we're not electing a President, we're electing an emperor. At least when he's Republican. Who knew?

Bet Richard Nixon wished he did.

Above any and all law if he can somehow claim he was doing it for the country (curiously - to be decided by these same judges - as they fly their conservative flags, or take their payouts from billionaires).

When Trump had a 140 cops beat half to death and was looking the other way as the mob he sent was looking to lynch his Vice President, the Mitch McConnells and Rob Wittmans of the world explained that they didn't want to impeach him, because his term was over and it was up to the criminal courts to deal with it.

When we read the 25th Amendment and it said those giving aid and comfort to those attempting to overthrow the government, are ineligible for ever again being in a position of trust, we learn from Republican SCOTUS that doesn't apply to Republicans.

And then we do finally get criminal charges for those actions, we learn that, once again, they don;t apply to former Presidents. Talk about your catch-22's and talking out of both sides your as.....er..mouth....

That's today's "conservatism".

Cause it ain't Democrats doing that.

Not saying they wouldn't. Not saying there aren't ones who would follow a demagogue if it saved their political career.

But in that case, it's a case of what they might do. In yours, it's a case of what you've done and you're doing.

There's a difference. Again, actions matter.

Y'all the same people who don't think someone convicted of a felony 30 years ago is fit to work at Walmart or McDonalds.

Much less vote.

Yet, if it's someone you saw on TV, has money, and will help your political fortunes - you'll make one the President of the United States - AGAIN -with over 30 felony convictions which he's not even yet been sentenced for - much less paid his debt to society, and he has 50 OTHER felonies pending.

Not to even mention the sexual assault trials, statements, etc. Fraud settlements, bankruptcies, NDAs.

How "conservative". /s

That there are even more serious felonies pending, yet once again being delayed by Trump and his allies in unprecedented ways that an everyday criminal could only dream of also seems to make no difference. Judge deciding that 50 year old law is suddenly unconstitutional? Sure, why not?

The first rule of working for your national committee is that you must agree that the last election was stolen. Not because it was, but because it's a loyalty test. You must accept the lie.

Again, etc. etc. Yada, yada, yada.

And as you - yes you, and any and every Republican, kultklan member, billionaire cynic, conservative talking heads - whatever - you insist that the most important thing is that we all just pretend this is normal and we must accept it rather than do or say otherwise (and as I'm sure placating folks like Mr Davis will certainly agree) - please know that there are some of us who ain't buying what you're selling.

I suspect, many of us - hopefully a majority of us - not only in the electoral college, popular vote, but also at the state and local level are sickened by your actions and I pray will vote accordingly to the end of their days.

But since we're talking - fact is - not only is Donald Trump unfit to be dogcatcher, much less President - the Republican Party and it's members have shown itself by blindly supporting both him, and the on going and systematic destruction of our civil liberties, rule of law, and common decency that they too are unfit to be in any position of responsibility in this government they are determined to destroy.

Does that mean I condone violence? No. I despise it in all it's forms. I weep as much for the children killed in a Gaza refugee camp as I did the ones who died in Iraqi homes, or the soldiers who died fighting. The drug addled child without hope, as well as his victim. The innocent bystander at a Trump rally, as much as the innocent child in their kitchen during a gangland drive by shooting. A young honor student so desperate for attention that he goes to a political rally and kills and dies in the process is as much a waste as the ones he kills. Gun deaths that no other country suffers - all a waste and tragedy.

But hiding the truth in the hope of "conversation" or comity is not the answer either. Platitudes and pablum may make everybody happy, but it's truth that matters. As is accountability.

Believe it or not, those used to be considered "conservative" ideas. Not so much, nowadays. I know.

You want to talk about it, but not say anything.

You want to talk, because talking is the opposite of doing. But for me, I watch hands.

Cause actions speak louder than words.

Yours are screaming at us.

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Totally agree with the comments expressed by Leo and Emma. As Adam Kinzinger recently opined: (Paraphrase) The Republican Party is no longer the moderate supporter of America and families, it has become a Trump Cult only.

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Unity? Did you hear Trump's acceptance speech?

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This column is so disingenuous. Here’s one line that stood out: “Except for a rare few, for just one simple moment we were all Americans.”

Here are some quotes from the “rare few”:

“Joe Biden sent the orders,” Rep. Mike Collins of Georgia wrote online. Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida added, “They tried to impeach him. They are trying to imprison him. Now, they have tried to assassinate him.”

Rep. Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania — who attended Saturday’s rally — initially described the assassination attempt as an “attack from the left,” though he later deleted the message.

“Today is not just some isolated incident,” JD Vance wrote less than two hours after the assassination attempt. “The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs. That rhetoric led directly to President Trump’s attempted assassination.”

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