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"I drafted the attached Joint Resolution and invite you to sign on with me to ensure that our committees stay respectful to each other. I also ask that you let me know ASAP if you have any signs of disrespect from any of my committee members. I can assure you that this is not tolerated in my committee, and I will address appropriately. "

Mr Vezina should be commended for his commitment towards civility and respect by his party. As you say, his words should be taken at face value. Though I admit, I am a little surprised that he is unaware of the following items which are merely mentioned as an overview, and in no way cover more than the merest fraction of disrespect shown by him and his party as evidenced by their current chosen leader:

Disrespect for women - as shown by: their choosing a candidate found liable for sexual assault, infidelity, associating with por... sorry, adult film stars, partying with child molesters, etc. etc.

Disrespect for civil liberties - where to begin? Packing the courts with liars who overturned established rights for their own narrow, theological beliefs? Caging children as a means to threaten their parents? Racist attacks, Religious attacks, homophobic attacks.

Disrespect for rule of law - again, where to begin? Still a couple of dozen felonies pending, not to mention sentencing for the 30 or so for which he has already been convicted by a jury of his peers - despite having lawyers, resources, etc. that the average criminal could only dream of having - all while leading the party that claims it is for law and order. Ignoring that the only reason he doesn't have MORE felonies pending is because his packed and hand picked judges suddenly discovered that the Founding Fathers decided that our President is a King who should rule over us without question or exception - though it does seem awful funny they only mean that when it suits what they want rather than what the law wants. Did I mention the 140 or so cops who were beaten about half to death during the last coup attempt? Or the promises of being dictator for a day, etc? That's just what pops up at the tip of the iceberg. A tsunami of corruption, entitlement, arrogance. The Founding Fathers would be turning in their grave. Or trying to immigrate to Canada. Legally or otherwise.

On and on. Deficit, ovethrow the Republic, collusion with dictators, corruption, pretty much any crappy or nasty thing you can think of.

But you say some kids either stole some yard signs or made fun of them huh? And some Republican didn't do it to himself so he could play the victim?

Yeah, he's right. It's the exact same thing. Looking forward to seeing how Mr Vezina addresses those issues with his party. I've noticed how some members of his party did the only honorable thing and disassociated themselves from it. Like the Cheney's, half of Trump's former cabinet, the Generals who call him a fascist and the greatest threat this country has ever seen. Will he be joining them now that he knows? One would hope so.

Maybe not. Stealing yard signs is serious business. Good thing he's on top of it.

All of that other stuff I mentioned pales in comparison and I can't tell the difference neither............

Once again, SMDH off.

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