I don’t know what is behind Phelps’s action, but It’s a shame and a disgrace that she thinks of herself almost exclusively and not the schools, teachers and other employees of the school system. And especially the students, for whom she should be an advocate and role model. She is neither.

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I hope there were witnesses who can either refute or back this up.

I have other thoughts on this, but since we don’t know more I’ll leave it at that.

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So much noise. If only Lisa Phelps would exert the effort toward improving our schools, helping students and teachers. Gee, did she actually attend the meeting?

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We all know that Lisa Ann Labuda Phelps lies.

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Is there a trump in her genes?

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They definitely share the same ideologies 😒

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“Monkey see, monkey do” comes to mind.

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Injustice never rests. Those who wish to serve Justice must recognize our desire for breaks, vacations, and relative peace is never going to get our communities where we need them to go. Need to meet the challenge where it is or just keep losing at the expense of the future generations.

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My word....they need to start selling tickets to this stuff.

Or put it on Pay Per View. Could probably take care of all of their funding issues in a couple of shows.

I used to think there was a difference between reality TV and reality. Now I'm not so sure.

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