I highly recommend Letters from an American, a near-daily historical account of what’s happening in our country. It’s written by Dr Heather Cox Richardson, a Civil War-era historian. I’ve learned a lot from her and think a lot of people around here would, too. I’m sharing her substack, but she also shares the letters on FB. I hope you and your subscribers take a look.


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Yes, Dr. Richardson is phenomenal!

She also does a daily podcast where she reads her letters aloud; I listen on my drive home each day. :)

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24

And if anyone ever wonders how something like the Nazi Party rose in Germany and led to things like the Holocaust, all they need do would be read this column.

Ignorance and apathy.

Ignorance in that you've got folks that truly, sincerely think that voting for the party that is inviting the fuel tycoons who are already making historic profits that are costing everyday people money, health, and their children's future to give them a BILLION dollars (yeah, with a "B") for the current campaign is somehow going to be looking out for them instead of the people who gave them a billion dollars when they asked.

And apathy in that thinking it doesn't matter when that same party has become and is a mindless cult running roughshod over pretty much any and every principle which has ever defined America with the exception of greed.

Shows how honest is that patriotism you've been mouthing off about all your life truly is.

You pledge allegiance, my a.......

Empty words when push comes to shove. Quick enough to look the other way when a kid is being put in a cage in Mexico, an insurrection created, or a woman's P...y is being grabbed; but not patriotic enough to vote accordingly in an election.

Because you're tired of talking about it. Or you don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. Cause otherwise, they're really nice people.

Yeah, well - they say Hitler was nice to his dog. Not sure that made everything else okay. Though I'm sure there are some who would say it did.

Look, I wish we didn't have a continuing, ongoing threat such as this kult representing almost half the country. I do.

I truly do. Don't we all.

A Paul Ryan or Jeb Bush running against Biden? Someone who hasn't caved on principles. With maybe a Liz Cheney as a running mate?

Yes, please.

But if wishes were fishes, we'd all cast nets.

We better spend our time dealing with the reality that exists as we suffer thru our next heat wave and as we anxiously await to see if we will be the ones to lose the hurricane lottery this year.

But sure, the party prostituting itself to Exxon is the way to go, even if it weren't led by a megalomaniac. What could go wrong?

Geez, Louise. Where y'all folks come up with this stuff?

Because the same question asked so many years ago of Ben Franklin still matters today, as it did then.

They too had their everyday worries, their uncertainties, their fatigue.

But despite those things, they crafted something new and unheard of. The ultimate reality show for those addicted to those things. An experiment in reality itself.

A Republic, if you can keep it.

Of course, there's a lesser known quote as well, when Franklin was referring to Presidents.

"Franklin’s witticisms often carry an ominous tinge — and were often edited. Another of his famous quotes from that era comes just after Washington had been elected the first president.

“The first man put at the helm will be a good one. Nobody knows what sort may come afterwards,” he said.

But that isn’t the full quote. He continued, “The executive will be always increasing here, as elsewhere, till it ends in a monarchy.”"


Words to ponder as one half the country attempts to give us a royal leader once again promising bread and circuses. And these local leaders you elect will be the ones deciding if we allow it or not. In that, they will truly represent us.

Choose wisely. Because it may be the last time you get to.

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