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Brat’s secret, invite-only community forums and “women up in my grill” comment did not help his re-election campaign.

Spanberger has been to every part of VA07 - both versions - attending events and talking with people, holds community forums and publicly announces them ahead of time, doesn’t block people who disagree with her or call them names, and helps get things done for our district as a whole and for individuals needing assistance.

She might have set the stage on how to run a winning campaign, but she’s set the stage on how to be an effective representative as well.

IMO, that first part - showing up - is crucial. I can’t speak for PWC, but there are people in Stafford and Spotsy who take notice when candidates and representatives don’t show up.

Vindman has the money but is not the only candidate. He did not attend candidate forum last week, which made me cringe to learn.

A candidate’s actions are a better tell than the money they raise. And if they’re already a legislator? Their voting records are too.

Anyway. I hope readers are paying attention if they haven’t started already. If your preferred candidate doesn’t have the influx of money coming in, reach out and ask them how you can help, because they need it. You can help in other ways besides giving them money.

But please vote. Out of state money doesn’t necessarily translate to outpouring district support.

VA07 voters make or break the outcome. Please be one in June as well as November.

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